This is the official Web site for the official celebration of the (now very official) marriage of two of the hippest squares you know, Alicia and Matthew. Please check back here often for updates on the gathering and other related news. See you there!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Letts Party!

Matthew and I are very excited that you'll be coming to our Big Fat Wedding Celebration at the world-renowned, or at least, regionally well-known Camp Letts.  Sorry for the short notice, but once we got it into our heads that we were going to seal the deal, we just had to do it right away. We also hope you'll understand if things don't come off quite as anticipated, and that you will not be buffeted by any unforeseen changes.

Look back often at this blog for any updates.

More posts to follow with details, directions and everything else you'll need to let the good times roll.

1 comment:

  1. Grooms Eye View from hawks nest high atop oldest tree in the Camp:I wanna see those Halloween Costumes Saturday Night and that doesn't mean J Crew. That's how I finally made it up here,avoiding you guys for years! Yes that means costumes are encouraged!
